Transvestia Comes Of Age

June is traditionally the month of graduations, Commencement and setting forth on a new life. It is therefore appropriate that this June 1968 issue our magazine graduates. Moreover, it seems that Number 51 is a good place to make a change too - it seems like at least a half century ago that I managed to squeeze out TVia #1 with all of 25 paid subscriptions.

As you will note this is the first issue of TVia produced by a new process that enables us to have even right hand margins and better and more variable and more readable type faces. This particular issue was already to go by the old process when a bid was made to have it done the new way. Consequently this issue is made up to exactly the same number of pages (92) of the same size as previously. This means that the type lines are a little further apart than they need be. Starting with #52 there will not be as many pages in the magazine but don't feel that you've been cheated because the amount of the material presented will be the same. It is simply that this method of printing saves a lot of space at the end of lines and need not use as much space between lines as with the typewriter so that the same amount of material can be placed in about 80% of the space formerly required. Thus, you will get as much for your money but it will be more compactly and attractively arranged. By cutting down on the number of pages I will be able to save a bit on the amount of paper and other details. Since the process itself is over and above the cost of typing and the final material is still printed by offset it represents a considerable extra cost to each issue. However, it gives the magazine so much more dignity that it will be worth it. I hope you will agree and will enjoy it more.